Atlas Mountains

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Template:Infobox Mountain Range

The Atlas Mountains (Bruellan: Der Atlas; Etruscan: L'Atlas; Sinopian: Άτλας) is a mountain range in north western Althena ranging from Trentannia and Calibria in the east, Bergenstein, Etrusque and Bruellen to the west, and Sinope and Matinenda to the south.

The Atlas mountain system is geologically connected with the mountains of Eretz and Ankara, crossing the South Dacian Ocean, the Kaskaskian Mountains of Euphemia. Geologists hold that all these formed a single range prior to the breakup of the ancient supercontinent Gaea. The current mountains are remnants of the Caledonian mountains. The mountains have been eroded to one-third of their original height, and are one of the oldest still extant mountain ranges in the world.