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Theonism refers to a political and social ideology in Adonia, which has existed since the 1910s. It is named after the late Doge Theon Rallis of Sinope. Its advocators integrated a variety of political goals and beliefs, which will appeal to the people and establish Doge Theon as a national figure. To date, Theonism is the leading political force of Sinope.

Widely used, the term has subsequently taken a much broader sense, especially to designate a whole, during the 1930s and 1940s, political movements that had common themes and political representations with the Sinopian movement.




On economic issues, Doge Theon claimed in 1915 that, were Theonism to follow the modern phase of capitalism, its path would "lead inexorably into state capitalism, which is nothing more nor less than state socialism turned on its head. In either event, [whether the outcome be state capitalism or state socialism] the result is the bureaucratization of the economic activities of the nation." Doge Theon claimed that capitalism had degenerated in three stages, starting with dynamic or heroic capitalism (1830–1870) followed by static capitalism (1870–1914) and then reaching its final form of decadent capitalism, also known as supercapitalism beginning in 1914.

Doge Theon denounced supercapitalism for causing the "standardization of humankind" and for causing excessive consumption. Doge Theon claimed that at this stage of supercapitalism "[it] is then that a capitalist enterprise, when difficulties arise, throws itself like a dead weight into the state's arms. It is then that state intervention begins and becomes more necessary. It is then that those who once ignored the state now seek it out anxiously." Due to the inability of businesses to operate properly when facing economic difficulties, Doge Theon claimed that this proved that state intervention into the economy was necessary to stabilize the economy.

Doge Theon claimed that dynamic or heroic capitalism and the bourgeoisie could be prevented from degenerating into static capitalism and then supercapitalism only if the concept of economic individualism were abandoned and if state supervision of the economy was introduced. Private enterprise would control production but it would be supervised by the state. Theonism presented this economic system as the solution that would preserve private enterprise and property while allowing the state to intervene in the economy when private enterprise failed. Theonist economies stood for state ownership of general industry through a legal basis, combined with "workers' control" through delegation of authority to national guilds organized internally on democratic lines.

Thus, the state would insure that workers have adequate working conditions and that companies are still profitable, without violating the constitution, basic human rights and Sinopian values, mostly linked with Dodekatheism.


Ancient Sinope developed early concepts of corporatism. Plato developed the concept of a totalitarian and communitarian corporatist system of natural-based classes and natural social hierarchies that would be organized based on function, such that groups would cooperate to achieve social harmony by emphasizing collective interests while rejecting individual interests. Aristotle in Politics also described society as being divided along natural classes and functional purposes that were priests, rulers, slaves, and warriors.

Theonism is therefore inspired by many Sinopian philosopher including not only Ancient Sinope's but also from the Enlightenment era.